Carpe Cookie

A grade-A cookie lover's account of the best – and sometimes worst – cookies around.

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Mexican Sugar Cookies

Posted by on Sep 5, 2010 in Etc., Shortbread/Sugar Cookies | 17 comments

Mexican Sugar Cookies
Location: Possibly every Mexican bakery in the world
$: Not very expensive


I like to write mainly about the cookies I come across that excite me and give me brief moments of joy.  Occasionally, however, I will meet one (or in this case, several) so dreadful that I feel compelled to warn my fellow cookie monsters to take heed.  Consider this both a precautionary tale as well as the seed for discussion.  If there are Mexican cookie lovers out there, I want to hear your voice.  Tell me what I’m missing.  I am nothing if not open-minded in my quest for maximum cookie enlightenment.

Ay, the Mexican cookies. Where do I begin?   

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Almond Meringue at The Bread Peddler

Posted by on Aug 24, 2010 in Gluten Free and/or Flourless, Meringue, Almond | 1 comment

Note: This meringue is sitting on a dinner plate, not a saucer, not a salad plate. What I’m saying is: this is a big-ass cookie.

The Bread Peddler
222 Capitol Way North – Olympia, WA

Meringue, probably more than most cookies (and pie toppers, for that fact), is divisive.  I have friends who ADORE meringue, and others who tell me that it is not so much different than eating a stick of sidewalk chalk. I am not sure if I know anyone who sits on the fence with meringue, anyone who says: “eh, it’s alright.  I can take it or leave it.”  A person will either take it – with gusto, or leave it – happily. And like all matters of taste, there is no accounting for it. We likes what we likes.

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Triple Chocolate at Grand Central Bakery

Posted by on Aug 16, 2010 in Chocolate | 4 comments

Grand Central Bakery
Portland* – various locations


As I typed the words “Triple Chocolate” just now, I realized that I’m not really sure why it’s called “triple”.  Rich chocolate base: check. Nice semi-sweet chocolate chips: check.  But…what is this mystery third chocolate in the trifecta?  (Note to self: Next time you go to Grand Central, ask what that damn third chocolate is.  Shit, now I’m totally curious! Stay tuned for an update.)

Okay, so here is what’s interesting about the this one:  Every time I taste it, I am surprised all over again by how honestly delicious it is. That is to say, it does not have a whole lot of curb appeal; it appears somewhat dry and biscuit-y to the eye, and even though I’ve eaten probably twenty of them over the past, say,  5 years, it is as if I’ve developed some sort of chronic Triple Chocolate Cookie amnesia.

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Shortbread at Fresh Flours

Posted by on Aug 10, 2010 in Shortbread/Sugar Cookies | 0 comments

Fresh Flours
6015 Phinney Ave. N

$ ? (not more than a buck apiece, possibly less)

chocolate almond shortbread & green tea shortbread

Dear Fresh Flours bakers:

Buy a bag of salt. Please. Your cookies are very pleasing to the eye, as are the rest of your wares. I have no doubt that top notch ingredients are at play here, but they are totally lost on me because I CAN BARELY TASTE THEM.  Because you don’t use any G-d blessed salt – the most fundamental of all flavor enhancers. What gives?



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Caramel Coconut Macaron at Honore

Posted by on Aug 5, 2010 in Gluten Free and/or Flourless, Macaroon/Macaron | 0 comments

Honore Artisan Bakery
1413 NW 70th St. – Seattle

Yes, that’s right – there is coconut happening here.  But as you can see by the photo, this cookie, to be sure, is a macaron – not a macaroon.

That is to say, it is not in any way a coconut macaroon a la Red Fox Bakery, as recently reported.  Rather, it is a Parisian macaron, using shredded coconut in place of the typical ground almond. I realize the word “coconut” in the title may be misleading.  So…don’t be misled. It’s not a macaroon.  It’s a macaron.  Are we clear?

No?  Well, I’m going to spare you a  lengthy definition of macaroons and macarons because I figure if you already know, then I’ll be boring your pants off, and if you don’t already know, then you can look here.

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