Posted by on Oct 28, 2013 in Peanut Butter, Chocolate Chip | 0 comments

Woodlawn Coffee and Pastry
808 NE Dekum – Portland

In an effort to make up for  Carpe Cookie’s  under representation of peanut butter, I took one for the team today.

And I am happy to tell you that it did not taste like sacrifice.

Many of the things I told you about the double dark chocolate cookie from this same bakery can be said for the peanut butter – specifically the part about it being underbaked in just the right way. And thick (though not as thick as the double dark). And amply salted.

In addition to the peanut butter, I was also dubious about the milk chocolate. Like I’ve also said before, if I’m gonna eat chocolate, I want to know I’m eating chocolate. I want my mouth to know it is eating chocolate. See, I didn’t think milk chocolate would offer enough contrast to the heaviness of a peanut butter cookie, and I was right; the chips more or less disappear into the cookie. In other words, if I were eating this with my eyes closed, I might not even know the chocolate was there.

Which is to say that I would probably enjoy this just as much without the milk chocolate chips. And I would REALLY enjoy it with a dollop of berry jam in the middle, instead. (Note to Woodlawn: peanut butter thumbprint cookie? Just an idea…you’re welcome.)

PB cookie lovers and non-lovers alike: This is a good one. B.Y.O.J (Jam)