Posted by on Sep 25, 2013 in Oatmeal, Whole grain, Fruit | 0 comments

Craftsman & Wolves
746 Valencia St. – San Francisco

I ate this a few weeks ago – during a (way too) quick trip to S.F. at the end of last month.  And no, I don’t know what in the hell “Craftsman & Wolves” means.

Wait…I bet their website’s “about” page  will clue me in. Okay, yeah. It does (sorta). Something about hard work in the name of pursuing your craft. I don’t feel like reiterating it so just check it out yourself if you care.

But I do feel like telling you about the cookie I picked up while I was there. I should also mention that choosing only one item was challenging; pretty much all of their shit looked GREAT. (I’m talking to you, lime meringue tart with toasted almonds. And you, Thai mango scone with coconut and ginger.)

To know me is to know my adoration of oatmeal cookies, in which I will accept and embrace any sort of sweet/tart dried fruit: dark raisins, golden raisins, cherries, cranberries, even dates and figs. And especially apricots. Rick’s chocolate apricot espresso from Macrina Bakery in Seattle, in particular, kinda knocks my socks off.

(BTW: I also accept and embrace oatmeal cookies without fruit. THIS ONE at Bakeshop in Portland, for example, is quite lovely.)

This oatmeal with apricots doesn’t have quite as much going on as the Macrina number, but it does have this:

• Girth. Baby’s got back.

• Great, real butter flavor. High quality stuff, for sure.

• Crispy, sturdy edges (it won’t flop apart in transit) protecting a soft, chewy interior.

An oatmeal cookie doesn’t have to be groundbreaking to be great.  This is a solid, honest rendition – clearly made by someone who loves and cares about oatmeal cookies.


*I forgot to write down the price; I think it was somewhere between $2.50-$3.00