22 E 28th Ave – Portland
Here’s what’s in it:
• chocolate chips, oats, coconut, dried cranberries, black sesame seeds, rainbow sprinkles, olive oil, sea salt.
I am not going to tell you this cookie is phenomenal, but it IS good enough that I’d get it again. I’ve been loving sesame lately, been thinking about how to up its role in desserts (ice cream, cake, etc.). So big points right off the bat for the seeds. As for the rainbow sprinkles, they really don’t add much other than looking cute (which I know is stating the obvious — cuteness is the only function of sprinkles as far as I’ve ever been able to tell).
Texture is very good, a bit crispy on the outside but soft and pliable interior. So few bakers take their cookies out of the oven early enough but Cheese & Crack DID. Another thing so few bakers do is use enough salt – but they did that, too.
Good job, guys!