Carpe Cookie

A grade-A cookie lover's account of the best – and sometimes worst – cookies around.

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Two Rhubarb Cookies at Two Tarts Bakery

Posted by on May 22, 2011 in Macaroon/Macaron, Shortbread/Sugar Cookies, Meringue | 3 comments

Two Tarts Bakery
2309 NW Kearney Street – Portland

I’ve had it in mind to talk about Two Tarts for ages. I’ve been enjoying them ever since they first started plying their tiny wares 3-4 years ago at The Portland Farmers’ Market. They’ve since opened a small retail shop on NW 23rd Avenue, and continue to sell at the market, as well.

The problem is this: if I am to tell you about about Two Tarts, I am required to talk about not less than 10 different cookies at once.  And it turns out that as much as I love to talk about cookies, I’m pretty lazy.  So I’m compromising and talking about only three different Two Tarts cookies.   It’s a start.

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Macarons at Pix Patisserie

Posted by on Apr 25, 2011 in Gluten Free and/or Flourless, Macaroon/Macaron | 0 comments

Pix Patisserie
3901 N. Williams- Portland
3402 SE Division – Portland

NOTE: Passover-friendly  No flour, no leavening.  Contains only almond flour, egg whites, sugar, butter, flavoring.

I hate to begin on a negative note, but I feel the need to preface this review with this piece of information: I don’t like Pix very much.  I’ve tasted many desserts from this much raved-about Portland dessert mecca over the past several years that have been either stale or tasted like refrigerator (or both), or were just simply not delicious. (Don’t even get me started on the piece of crap “ghetto cake” (their words, not mine) that my friends and I picked up on New Year’s Eve. Unless you really want to hear about it, in which case I’ll happily explain. 

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Ginger Molasses at Dovetail Bakery

Posted by on Apr 14, 2011 in Ginger Molasses, Vegan | 0 comments

Dovetail Bakery
3039 NE Alberta St. – Portland

As I have mentioned, I am not a vegan. This, if you have read any of my other cookie reviews, is stating the obvious.  But despite my love of butter and eggs, some of my favorite cookies ever have been, to quote the used car salesman who sold me a 1988 Nissan Pulsar, “critter-free.” (True story: he was a vegan used car salesman and he really did say “critter-free” in reference to his dietary practices.  I’m not making it up. And yes, I really did buy a 1988 Nissan Pulsar (in 1996) – T top convertible, cherry red, btw. It (I?) was pretty smokin’, if you wanna know the truth.)

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Cookie Salon #2: Peanut Butter*

Posted by on Apr 3, 2011 in Peanut Butter, Cookie Salon | 0 comments

Peanut Butter* Cookie Salon

(What is a cookie salon?)

Date: March 15, 2011

Attendees: Sarah V.B., Brooke M., Giovanna Z., Beth S., Joanna M.

*The theme was actually “Nut Butter/Nut Flour, but in the end it was peanut butter dominated affair, with only 2 of the 9  cookie being non peanut butter (almond flour).

Top row – from left

• No flour peanut butter – Sarah
Grand Central Bakery Cookbook (with chocolate chips)- Sarah
• Grand Central Bakery Cookbook (w/o cc) – Sarah
Food and Style Sienese Almond Cookie – Beth
New Seasons Grocery Store (purchased from in-house bakery) – Brooke

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